Insight into the Journey of All Things

Onecent is breaking item identification economics enabling the recognition of everything.  The company provides highly targeted tag integrated circuits that elevate simple objects to smart device equivalency. Together with our partners, Onecent will unlock the unrealized potential of these vast, untouched, price sensitive markets.


Current identification technologies are already identifying tens of billions of retail products. The problem is current implementations do not offer the economics required to be applicable to thousands of billions or even trillions of every day items. Todays solutions don’t scale.


The fundamental purpose of automatic identification is to provide serialized tracking number for many billions of unique items. This is beyond the current barcode or QR code capabilities. Onecent delivers this at a new price point, enabling you to tag everything in your business.


Numerous markets are yet to embrace item level tagging. Even retail, driving the industry, is far from tagging everything.

There needs to be a fundamental change in economics to unleash automatic identification for these untaped markets. We’re here to make omnipresent identification a reality.


Identifying Everything For Everyone

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